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What to Do if Your Car Key Is Stuck in the Ignition

Brickell Locksmith

Over the years there has always been the extremely troublesome issue of finding the key stuck in the ignition to your car, whether you are at home, outside the office or out running errands. It is easy to simply think that the car has failed completely and that the most expensive repair is in your future. While this is an extremely stressful moment, we find ourselves lucky today with many keys that are not quite as simple as what they used to be. With the digital transponder keys that only have to be in a certain range of the ignition, allowing a button to start the car, this is not necessarily the immediate problem. With the transponder key, it is still something that can seem to occur, though it is likely much more easily resolved. 

So, if you are in a hurry and the problem of a key stuck in the ignition occurs, there are plenty of options right here in Brickell, FL that can help get you on your way. There is no reason to panic and attempt to solve the issue yourself. An experienced professional can be there in minutes. So, first and foremost, never walk away from your car while the key is in the ignition, because if someone else is able to get the key to turn your car could be gone before you return. In this age of cell phones, help can be called from anywhere, 24/7.

If you do have some time to take a look for yourself there are some simple steps that you can take to see if the key is truly stuck and maybe a little more detail as to what the problem is. 

First, Check the Position of the Ignition Cylinder

 Remember that there are four basic positions of the ignition cylinder, and if you can see which position the key is rotated to, then it may be able to help. You should make sure that you have the key in the “off” position. This is usually where the car is no longer running but you can still hear the stereo.

One mistake that is often made is not realizing that you have turned the key too far, back past the “off” position, back to the “on” position that actually only turns on the car’s electrical system. You will hear the radio still on, but the key won’t move. Additionally, you should check that the car is in park (if you drive an automatic transmission car). Cars with an automatic transmission require that the car is in park before the key can be removed, even if the engine is off. 

As the driver of a manual transmission automobile I will admit that this is something I forget when driving a friend’s car, as I have gotten into the habit of popping the car into neutral, pulling the parking brake and quickly turning it off. 

Another Option is to Gently Turn the Wheel

You can take another step by turning the steering wheel gently over and over again a few times. At the same time try to remove the key, though you may have to wiggle it gently as well. It is easy to get frustrated in a time of stress, so make sure that these actions are gentle so that neither the ignition or key are bent or damaged to the point of needed replacement, as that would be more expensive. If you have ever noticed that the steering wheel will automatically lock into a straightforward position when you are turning the car off, this is part of what this trouble could be. The position of the steering wheel could not be correct, and it could have locked the ignition cylinder, thus locking the key into place.  

If It Is Still Not Out, The Battery May be Dead

Some cars will stick the key in the ignition if the battery is dead. For this reason, it is important to be prepared to check your battery, and make sure that you have the cables to at least partially charge it for assistance. Having the information of a qualified professional can also be helpful if you are not confident in checking those parts under the hood.

You Can Use a Small Object to Check the Key

If none of the other options have made any progress, then one easy household item that can be of some assistance is the common hairpin or bobby pin. Just as it is often used to try and jimmy a stuck lock, the bobby pin is small enough to not cause damage to the key or ignition. Just remove the cap covering the access port on the ignition lock override and press lightly with the bobby pin. Some professionals also mention attempting to pull out the key with a pair of pliers, but that may be a bit too harsh and end up causing further damage to the ignition and/or key.

Use a Household Lubricant to Loosen the Key

If you have tried the other options, loosening the key with something like electrical lubricant or silicone spray may also free the key. It is important to remain careful because hard movements can possibly break the key off in the ignition, causing much worse damage.

Contact a Locksmith

After several methods not working, and you are in an emergency situation, then contact Locksmith Brickell, an emergency locksmith prepared to assist you 24/7. Any attempts to fix the problem on your own can cause damage or even breakage, leading to much more difficult and expensive problems. It is much safer to call a locksmith once you have done the simple checks mentioned above without success. Our experienced locksmiths have the knowledge and high-quality tools and equipment to help make sure this problem is solved for you immediately. A new key can be made on site, the old one can be removed properly, or the ignition cylinder can even be repaired or replaced as needed. This will also have everything running properly for the future.



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